Pöl - Tec

Poel- Tec   Straight Vegetable Oil SVO as Diesel replacement fuel


Using Unmodified Vegetable Oils as a Diesel Fuel Extender

100 Per Cent Vegetable Oil as Potential Fuel Sources 1/2


Vegetable Oil as Fuel Sources 1/2
Vegetable Oil as Fuel Sources 2/2
Vegetable Oil, Diesel Blends 1/2
Vegetable Oil, Diesel Blends 1/2
Conclusions / References

Unmodified Vegetable OilsDuring World War II, Seddon (1942) experimented with using several different vegetable oils in a Perkins P 6 diesel engine with great success. The results of this experiment showed that vegetable oils could be used to power a vehicle under normal operating conditions. However, it was noted that much more work was needed before vegetable oils could be used as a reliable substitute for diesel fuel.
The Southwest Research Institute, Reid et al. (1982), evaluated the chemical and physical properties of 14 vegetable oils. These injection studies pointed out that the oils behave very differently from petroleum-based fuels. This change in behavior was attributed to the vegetable oils’ high viscosity. Engine tests showed that carbon deposits in the engine were reduced if the oil was heated prior to combustion. It was also noted that carbon deposit levels differed for oils with similar viscosities, indicating that oil composition was also an important factor.
Goering et al. (1981) studied the characteristic properties of eleven vegetable oils to determine which oils would be best suited for use as an alternative fuel source. Of the eleven oils tested, corn, rapeseed, sesame, cottonseed, and soybean oils had the most favorable fuel properties.
Bruwer et al. (1980) studied the use of sunflower seed oil as a renewable energy source. When operating tractors with 100% sunflower oil instead of diesel fuel, an 8% power loss occurred after 1000 hours of operation. The power loss was corrected by replacing the fuel injectors and injector pump. After 1300 hours of operation, the carbon deposits in the engine were reported to be equivalent to an engine fueled with 100% diesel except for the injector tips, which exhibited excessive carbon build-up.
Tahir et al. (1982) tested sunflower oil as a replacement for diesel fuel in agricultural tractors. Sunflower oil viscosity was 14% higher than diesel fuel at 37°C.
Engine performance using the sunflower oil was similar to that of diesel fuel, but with slight decrease in fuel economy. Oxidation of the sunflower oil left heavy gum and wax deposits on test equipment, which could lead to engine failure.
Bacon et al. (1981) evaluated the use of several vegetable oils as potential fuel sources. Initial engine performance tests using vegetable oils were found to be acceptable, while noting that the use of these oils caused carbon build up in the combustion chamber. Continuous running of a diesel engine at part-load and mid-speeds was found to cause rapid carbon deposition rates on the injector tips. Short 2-hour tests were used to visually compare the effects of using different vegetable oils in place of diesel fuel. Although short-term engine test results were promising, Bacon recommended long-term engine testing to determine the overall effects of using vegetables oils as a fuel in diesel engines.
Schoedder (1981) used rapeseed oils as a diesel fuel replacement in Germany with mixed results. Short-term engine tests indicated rapeseed oil had similar energy outputs when compared to diesel fuel. Initial long-term engine tests showed that difficulties arose in engine operation after 100 hours due to deposits on piston rings, valves, and injectors. The investigators indicated that further long-term testing was needed to determine if these difficulties could be adverted.
Auld et al. (1982) used rapeseed oil to study the effects of using an alternative fuel in diesel engines. An analysis of the rapeseed oil showed a relationship between viscosity and fatty acid chain length. Engine power and torque results using rapeseed oil were similar to that of diesel fuel. Results of the short-term tests indicated further longterm testing was needed to evaluate engine durability when rapeseed oil was used.




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