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5.1 Particle Measurement Programme (PMP)
Der folgende Text beschreibt das Mandat, die Vorgehensweise und den urspruenglichen Zeitplan
der PMPGruppe
vom Mai 2001:
GRPE 42nd , 29 May – 1 June 2001
The GRPE Particulate Measurement Programme (PMP) is a collaborative programme
operating under the auspices of the UNECE WP29/GRPE Group. Its focus is on the development of a new approach to the measurement of particles in vehicle exhaust emissions, which may be
used to replace or to complement the existing regulated mass based system.
In this context “ system” comprises a description of the test procedures, sampling equipment and
measurement instrumentation.
To assist in the setting of future limit values for lightduty
vehicles and heavyduty
engines, the
programme will provide data on the emissions of particles from engines employing a range of
advanced technologies, and in particular from different diesel particle filters (DPF), measured
using the new PMP recommended test system.
PMP is open to contributions from governments, industry and NGOs who are members of the
Literature reviews reporting studies on the health effects and assessing instrumentation,
analytical methodologies and the future of particle measurements will be undertaken under
several national programmes. The relative importance of particle mass, size, number, surface
area, and chemical composition on human health is yet to be decided.
Based on an initial literature study the programme will be divided into the following elements:
Phase I development
of candidate systems
Phase II testing
programme and validation of systems
Phase III characterisation
of advanced technology
The programme began in March 2001 and will end in March 2003. It is the intended to:
transmit a formal proposal for a test system(s) to the UNECE in October 2002 for discussion at
the January 2003 meeting of GRPE
deliver preliminary data on emission levels from advanced technology to the UNECE in
December 2002 for discussion at GRPE
deliver final data on emission levels from advanced technology to the UNECE in March 2003 for
discussion at GRPE.„Zum Zeitpunkt dieses Berichtes (Juni 2003) war die Phase II des Projektes weitgehend
abgeschlossen und es zeichnete sich ab, zu welchem Ergebnis und zu welchen konkreten
Vorschlaegen die Arbeitsgruppe kommen wuerde. In einem Zwischenbericht zur GRPE im Mai
2003 wurde der Arbeitsstand wie folgt dargestellt:
“ The measurement system evaluation phases of Phases I and II of the government sponsored
measurement programmes are now drawing to a conclusion, with potential systems worthy of
further evaluation in a round robin test identified. The work on thermodesorbers outlined in the
report to the last GRPE session in January 2003 is now in its final stages. …………..
All of the individual reports from the national programmes are nearing completion and work is
currently underway on the compilation of a summary report that draws together overall
conclusions and recommendations. This will be finalised in the next few weeks once all its constituent reports are completed. The sponsoring Governments will agree its conclusions and
recommendations jointly. …..
The large number of measurement systems assessed within the government sponsored
programmes makes it difficult to summarise all the results succinctly. Therefore this progress
report focuses on the results from those candidate systems that offer some potential, based on the
available results. The final results will be presented in the report of the national programmes in
the coming weeks.
The main national programmes came to similar conclusions regarding the best performing
measurement systems.……
Improvements to the filter method, adopting some of the requirements in the US procedure
for heavy duty engines, has improved repeatability for the low emissions levels tested in this
programme, chosen to be approximately representative of future emissions. Whilst there remain
some questions to be resolved on some details of the procedure, improving the existing system
appears to be the best approach. …
One of the measurement systems, CVS + thermodenuder/thermodiluter + CPC, offers the
advantage of counting the number of particles and so increasing the overall sensitivity of the
measurement procedure. Whilst the medical evidence remains unclear over which metric is
responsible for the health impacts observed, it appears prudent to further evaluate the potential
of a number based system. …….
It is recommended that a selection of the measurement systems identified by these work
programmes as potential candidate type approval measurement systems be further evaluated in
a round robin test.
Based on the results currently available these are:
· Modified PM (a gravimetric filter based mass measurement system).
· CVS + thermodiluter + CPC (a number based measurement system). “
Mit dem CPC (Condensation Particle Counter) steht ein System zur Verfuegung, mit dem
zeitaufgeloest die Partikelzahl (genauer: die Partikelkonzentration in 1/cm3 ) im
wirkungsrelevanten Groessenbereich entsprechend den Anforderungen einer Typpruefung
gemessen werden kann.
Der Zeitplan sieht nunmehr vor, die RichtlinienAnhaenge
zu beiden Verfahren bis Ende 2003
fertig zu stellen und im Januar 2004 der GRPE vorzulegen, sowie anschliessend einen Round
Robin Test auf dieser Basis durchzufuehren.
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